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The African Climate Change Fellowships Program (ACCFP) was initiated in August in 2007. A ‘Workshop to Assess Needs and Opportunities for the ACCFP was held in March, 2008, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Two of the major recommendations from the workshop were to target the pilot phase of the Fellowship Program to a relatively small number of capable and committed institutions in Africa to host Fellows and to place multiple Fellows with common Host Institutions. Targeting a small number of institutions with high qualifications to host multiple Fellows is expected to increase the impacts of the Program; provide valuable opportunities for Fellows to interact with and learn from their peers; build stronger capabilities at Host Institutions to become centers of excellence for supervising and mentoring Fellows; and establish stronger and longer lasting relationships among Host Institutions, Home Institutions and the Fellowship Program. ACCFP partners invited 30 proposals from targeted Hosts following the workshop and in July 2008, on the basis of proposal review, 11 Recommended Host Institutions were selected for the inaugural round of Fellowship awards.
This program offers experiential learning, education, and research and training opportunities to African professionals, researchers and graduate students that will build their capabilities for advancing and applying knowledge for climate change adaptation in Africa.

ACCFP is currently managed by Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA) of the University of Dar es Salaam in partnership with START and Financial Support provided by International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

ACCFP Workshop 2008

ACCFP Phase II(2011-2013)

ACCFP Phase III(2015-2016)